Jul 23 (edited) in General
New Members Start Here!
First of all, welcome to HomePro Arizona!
👉 Who this community is for: This community is for home service professionals and skilled trades people who aspire to own their own business, currently running their own business or want to scale. It is also for business owners who sincerely want to network with other professionals and create value in the community.
👉 To be a part of this group I need your feedback on several things. I'm building this community from the ground up and I don't know what you need and want yet. You have to tell me. You also have to tell me what you think about the current material, good bad and ugly.
👉 Who it is not for: It is not for anyone who wants to sit on the sidelines and lurk about, your participation is required to continue to be a member of this community. I actively boot people from the group each week.
👉 We are here to support each other, you’re welcome to ask questions but we also expect you to help others when you can.
👉 I’m here to provide you with guide rails to ensure you have a great foundation for your business.
👉 You will increase your efficiency and revenue as long as you’re willing to do the work and put focus on where it needs to be. Running a business is not easy, you have to work your ass off! But….the upside potential is limitless! 👉 Set up your 1:1 onboarding call ASAP. We will talk about you, your business, your goals and your roadblocks.
👉 Note our weekly meetings every Thursday at 6PM Arizona Time. I’ll answer any questions you want to bring to the meeting and this is where you’ll meet others in the group and get to networking.
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Rachel Lugo
New Members Start Here!
HomePro Arizona
Create and Scale your own Trades or Home Services
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