I kicked most of you out today!
Hey all!
I'm actively booting people from this group right now and for those of you who are still here I wanted to tell you why. You'll also need to know what I'll need from you if you want to stay in.
I started building this group about 35 days ago not really knowing what YOU wanted but I thought I'd just start and see what happens. So far I've put in a bunch of work on courses, I've sat on a few Google Meetings by myself a few times and i'm mostly talking to myself inside the community. I've also only had one person take me up on a one-on-one call thus far.
I'm not offended by any of this at all BUT it's not what I want. I want to know what YOU want and need from this group but if I'm not getting any feedback or participation then it's just a waste of time. I have to know what you want so I can build it!
Anyone who has never responded to me or posted or liked a post or watched a course got the boot today which was 2/3's of the group. 😂
If you are receiving this email, you're still in. I'll also expect more of you though going forward.
I'll be asking you to participate, actually talk to me and tell me what would be helpful for you, post on the boards, joining the weekly call on Thursday nights, tell me what works and what doesn't work. If you're into that then I'm all about it, I'm literally here to support you in any way I can.
If you're not into it, that's OK! You'll be doing me a favor if you leave the group rather than stay here for no reason though.
I'll be removing members on a weekly basis from now on and I'll be switching up my process to invite people in here and then vet them well, for now anyway until I build everything out. Quality over quantity. 🤩
PS - First question for this new tighter knit group is what do you need right now? What problem can I help solve for you?
Rachel Lugo
I kicked most of you out today!
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