I stumbled across this article when one of my posts went viral yesterday. Hope this helps you on building your brand! TLDR:
Do, to favor the LinkedIn algorithm:
- Use 1200–1600 characters for your post; that’s about ~170 to 400 words
- With the ‘catch’ at the start, before the ‘read more’ cut-off after three lines
- Use three to five #. Check the sources for all details to balance between the big trending # and more personal ones. No dependency on where in your post you use the #; it can be anywhere
- Personal stories and employer branding work best
- Emoticons rock; maximum ten in total, with a maximum of four per line
- Use selfies (yes, ugh) (+80 to 90% reach)
- If you tag and it’s a company, make sure the company reacts within one hour (2x the reach as when a person is tagged and reacts). This is especially relevant for recruiters and employees who (re)post a job vacancy
- For companies: use the option: ‘notify employees’ or ‘recommend to employees’ via the three dots. If they share within four hours, you have +30% growth
Don’t annoy the LinkedIn algorithm:
- Don’t edit within the first ten minutes after posting; this destroys your reach (updated in May)
- Don’t comment on your own post within the first two hours (-20% reach if it’s within)
- Don’t post twice in 18h (-15%) or three times in 18h (-30%)
- Don’t add a link in the comment after one hour (-20%) or edit a post after one hour (-10%). If you need to, wait a bit longer