Cooking simple power foods are needed to replenish the body.
I want to do live zoom cooking demonstrations but don’t know if we will have enough participants. I will work diligently to add more members as I was traveling the last 3-4 weeks to different cities and was blown away by the condition many of our communities are in I had to focus on the missions at hand.
I have the Taco 🌮/ Nacho Cooking class Information together (as well as next few weeks to get you all ingredients well ahead) just didn’t make sending it out before tonight class so I want to upload this video along with sending out a weekly email with following weeks instructions going forward. Look for more prerecorded content under course description as well. Peace and love
Carlos Adams Bey
Cooking simple power foods are needed to replenish the body.
Moorish Chef’s Cell Health Fam
Welcome to Moorish Chef’s Cellular Health Community! This space is for everyday people wanting to learn and embody healthier lifestyles through food.
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