TikTok wants YOU to do these steps to go viral in 2024 πŸ“Ά
TikTok is challenging YOU!
Yes, right!
TikTok wants to push YOU to create great content for the viewers you want for your own purpose.
TikTok is in competition with YouTube, Rumble and Instagram.
TikTok wants to become the content platform No. 1.
TikTok rewards you for your work.
This is what you have to do:
  1. Curiosity Peaked
  • Curiosity is the fuel for TikTok - Hook your viewers to your content & value you provide
  • Give your viewers a great experience
2. Storytelling unhinged
  • Master the Skill of Storytelling in your videos
  • Communication & engagement is created with storytelling
3. Bridging the trust Gap
  • Be consistent and build daily with your video a bund to your viewers
  • Use an easy lingo, your viewers will have it easier to follow you
  • Keep it simple
Are you serious about your content strategy?
This is your homework: answer to the following questions and take notes.
Feel free to contact me for more insights.
Great! Now I know what to do...
I'm not sure. I need more insights.
I need a content strategy for my own purpose.
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Alix Rukundo
TikTok wants YOU to do these steps to go viral in 2024 πŸ“Ά
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