The TRUE Path To Success
There are a million ways to become wealthy, but the path to get there is the same.
  1. Find something that you can do for the next 10 - 40 years
2. Cut out all distractions and just do the work
3. Improve yourself and your KPIs (Learn for a purpose)
4. Repeat until you're at a place where you want to be at in life.
The hard part isn't always finding what you want to do - the hard part is sticking to it.
Because, here's the thing, it will get hard (it always get hard), but if you can push past the discomfort and the distractions everything you could ever want is on the other side.
In it's most simple explanations:
You have ONE job - become successful at whatever it is you're trying to do and remove EVERYTHING else (the shiny objects, scrolling, videos, bad habits, etc), and focus on that until it works.
Jordan Suber
The TRUE Path To Success
Money School
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