Does talking about money make you uncomfortable?
Over 75% of people feel the same way - so you’re not alone…
However, here’s a money mindset shift that’ll make you wealthier and richer.
There are three buckets of life that we can never escape.
The first one is;
No matter what we do - this is the one constant in life, and one that people would trade anything to be healthy.
The second one is;
Regardless of our profession or lifestyle at some point we have to deal with other people, and more often than not - a lot of our happiness derives from others (we are social creatures after all).
Now, you may be thinking, “this is great, but what does this have to do with money mindsets, Jordan?”
Well, everything - because the third one is;
In the world we live in - money affects EVERY area of our life.
This is why you should talk about money more, and make it more of your business to know about it.
Because if you’re happy talking about the sports game. The latest TV show, or the new #applevisionpro - then you should also enjoy talking about money.
At the end of the day - it’s only a language that anyone can learn and master.
I was homeless from 12-18 off and on, and became a millionaire by 30 because I started learning about #financialeducation
And you don’t have to start off with something big like how to become a millionaire or billionaire.
It could be as “simple” as how to increase your income by 5-10%.
How to invest an extra $100s a month.
Or how to maximize your monthly budget.
So, your “challenge” today is to just starting logging into your online bank account every morning BEFORE you open social media. - yes, crazy right!?
But, you’ll thank me later.
Like this post if you’re ready to earn more income, and leave a comment about what is one small tweak you want to start doing.
Jordan Suber
Does talking about money make you uncomfortable?
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