Monetize Your Creative Group
Private group
102 members
The Monetize Your Creative Group is for Creatives, Influencers & Talented Individuals looking to finally discover how to monetize their creative! This community exists to inspire & support C.I.T's (Creatives, Influencers & Talent) to GO MAKE A MILLION!
** Make a MILLION points of impact in the world.
** Influence or inspire a MILLION people.
** Even make a MILLION DOLLARS.
With authentic community & consumable content, we want every Creative, Influencer & Talented Individual to be able to pursue their passion-skill AND get paid a PREMIUM for it!
** Free gigs
** Begging for work
** Lowering your prices
** Spending 40hrs a week at a job you hate
** Doing things for exposure alone
** Waiting for brand deals
** Burning out on free platforms for no money
**Walking this journey alone because everyone around you chose the traditional route
Genuinely, from one creative to another, if I can go from a starving artist to multi 6 figures and (1) 7 figure can you. I'll show you inside!
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Monetize Your Creative Group
Welcome to the Monetize Your Creative Group👋🏾 We provide authentic community & consumable content to help Creatives, Influencers & Talent Monetize!
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