DOT ENROLLMENT (Holiday Special)
This time you'll have 2 instructors in 1 class giving you gems, self certification courses and resources, they'll certify you for specimen collection and they'll give you the opportunity to become your own boss!
Don't wait until the last minute, the price will be going up after the holiday and class will begin Saturday June 8th at 9am CST/10am EST
If leaving your 9-5 is your goal, begin planning to attend this class to turn your collections into cash!
comment "memorial to grab the discounted corse
#dot #labs #wereback #phlebotomy #phlebotomist #needles #collection #dotcompliance #CLIA #mobilephlebotomy #mobilephlebotomist
Kahlil Thomas
DOT ENROLLMENT (Holiday Special)
The Phlebotomy Gems Group
Start your Mobile Phlebotomy Business + Get contracts and partnerships you deserve
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