I Hope this helps you break through...
Did you know that many people give up right before their biggest break through?
I am here to help you avoid making that mistake...
I have a member inside my Limitless Hypnosis Academy who has been seeing amazing results with my hypnosis formula. Instant release of limiting beliefs and amazing things are starting to happen in her life, more opportunities, abundance ect. She had some fears and doubts come up and I wanted to share her question and my answer in the hopes it will help you on your own journey.
I’ve had so many wins over the last couple of weeks but today I woke up feeling a little blocked. I did my usual hypnosis and afterwards decided to sit with the feeling. I felt the sadness or block on my heart , I have some really amazing things happening right now in my life especially in my career. The old stories related to money & success I used to tell myself are no longer valid. I used to tell myself how I’ll always be poor, never move up in my career . Etc. I feel like I’m trying to find a new story to tell myself. I sat with the sadness for a minute or so and visualized it dissolving. After I saw it dissolved I said to myself all the evidence to support a new story for myself. I said I was worthy of living a life of my dreams, I deserve to be financially happy and successful. I deserve every opportunity of success , abundance and happiness that is headed my way.
Is this normal to see your past self and ideologies struggle with your new self? I know the brain looks for familiarity and comfort. I think I’m just experiencing a new comfort zone I am getting used too
My answer inside the membership.
It is ABSOLUTELY NORMAL for you to encounter your past self during your transition to your next level. A lot of people will take it as "evidence" that things are going backwards when in fact it happens before you have a giant breakthrough. It is your protective self holding on for dear life because like you said, these patterns are habitual and your mind is looking for safety. It is so important during this time to observe those old patterns with so much self love and compassion in the process of releasing them. Being self critical or negative is what would actually move you backwards however, you trusted your higher self and leaned into your new programming, that is why you felt those stories dissolving. What is important now is to keep leaning into your new self and operate from those new thoughts and programs so it feels MORE COMFORTABLE than your old programming.
So here is your next steps
✅ When you wake up (you will be in the theta state) I want to you to imagine your day going EXACTLY the way you want. Sit in the feelings of how great and amazing it feels to be successful, productive and abundant. Notice how you are interacting with yourself and others. Imagine abundance as a color that you spread through your body and mind until you are consumed by it.
✅ When you catch a thought from your old programming thoughtfully jot it down and bring awareness to it. IMPORTANT: Observe the thought or belief as a visitor... an observer of the thought. The thought isn't you, it is your past self that is no longer you. Then as your new version release the thought with lots of self compassion and self love. Tell yourself that this thought doesn't serve you and doesn't belong to you. Celebrate releasing it. (celebration is a powerful energy of manifestation and abundance)
✅ Fill out the pre hypnosis worksheet in our classroom focusing on how your life will improve and change as you become comfortable with your new self and new programming. then do the limiting belief removal hypnosis in our classroom with the intention of becoming more comfortable with your new programming. (you can do the hypnosis in the library as many times as you want with new intentions each time to take you to new levels of your transformation)
And finally make conscious effort to think and behave as your next level self. The more you practice the more it integrates and becomes more and more comfortable.
Let me know if this helps :)
I hope this was helpful! Let me know in the comments what you learned or what was an aha moment for you. Also, if you want my support in helping you release your limiting beliefs and use my hypnosis formula to manifest abundance. Join us here: https://www.milliondollarmindframe.com/limitlesshypnosisacademy
Remember you are more powerful than you can even imagine. You have the power to breakthrough just like you have the power to keep your limiting beliefs. What do you chose?
Julia Hankins
I Hope this helps you break through...
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