video games themes that go WAY harder than your remember
Do you remember those epic video game themes from your childhood that got your heart racing and your fingers flying across the controller?
I just dropped a new YouTube video breaking down the music theory behind 5 old-school video game themes to help you massively level up your compositions.
In this video, we dive deep into these legendary tracks, exploring what makes them so unforgettable and why they still hit us right in the feels.
Whether you're a gamer at heart, a music lover, or just curious about how these iconic themes were crafted, you’re going to love this breakdown!
From unexpected chord progressions to hidden melodies that pull on your emotions, these themes are more than just background music—they're masterpieces in their own right.
Plus, I’ll show you how understanding these themes can inspire your own music creation. Whether you’re looking to finish that new track or find a fresh source of inspiration, there’s a lot to learn from these gaming greats.
So, hit play, dive into the nostalgia, and let’s geek out over some epic tunes together!
Alexandre Joyal
video games themes that go WAY harder than your remember
Meta Mind Music
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