Unlock the secret to every emotion with 10 chord progressions
What if you could intentionally create any emotion in your music with just a few chords?
I just dropped a new video called “10 Chord Progressions That Unlock Every Emotion” and it’s PACKED with insights to help you understand how different chord progressions evoke powerful emotions.
In this video, I dive into:
  • The specific emotions behind chords & progressions
  • How to be more intentional with your music-making
  • 10 progressions you can start using right now to unlock new emotions in your music
  • The theory behind these progressions, broken down in detail
If you’ve ever wanted to take your music to the next level and create deeper emotional impact, this video is for you.
Can’t wait to hear what you create inspired from these chord progressions!
Alexandre Joyal
Unlock the secret to every emotion with 10 chord progressions
Meta Mind Music
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