4 questions to get you more sales...
There are many reasons why you don’t get enough sales with your store…
And the best way to find out why is to ask yourself the following questions:
  1. Is your copy hitting home on your customers’ pain points and problems?
  2. Is your messaging from ad to product page to email flow congruent?
  3. Did you use all TBIF attributes on your product pages?
If your answer was ‘yes’ to everything above, let me ask you something that 99% forget:
4. Are you getting the right kind of traffic?
You see… Many merchants make the mistake of thinking they just need enough traffic to make more sales…
But the truth is, you need the right kind of traffic.
Everything else is like trying to sell ice cream in Antarctica.
Sure, some crazy dude will eventually buy a scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough…
But getting that sale is much harder compared to selling ice cream to tourists in Italy.
Traffic is as much about quality as it is about quantity.
You have to figure out where your ideal customers hang out and what’s happening in their lives…
So you can stop them in their scrolls and make them go see what you’re offering.
Want to learn how to do it?
Scott Cunningham
4 questions to get you more sales...
Merchant Mastery
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