I don’t know if you heard the news already…
But last week, I announced a free workshop on my go-to strategy for running demand-driving product launches to generate more sales without dipping into your profit margins.
And I might be sticking out my neck here…
But I’m pretty sure that launching a product to drive more sales has crossed your mind at some point.
You may have even gone a step further and done a little digging into what type of product would make the most sense for you.
But no matter how much research you did…
It wasn’t enough to silence the little voice in the back of your head that keeps asking…
"What if there aren’t enough people out there who are interested in this?"
Because if we’re being honest…
What’s worse than devaluing your brand by putting your products on sale all the time…
Is launching a product nobody is interested in…
Which FORCES you to put it on sale just to bring your cashflow back to the level it used to be.
So if that sounds familiar…
I wouldn’t just suggest joining our free workshop this Thursday – I would almost prescribe it!
Because next week, I’ll give away our proven methodology to create product launches that not only drive a massive sales spike for your store…
If you follow it to the T, you might even sell out during your pre-launch phase.
Scott Cunningham
I don’t know if you heard the news already…
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