I Hit 1000 followers in a week
I went from 250 followers last week to 1000 followers today 🙌
The beauty of how I achieved this is that it only took one thing.
Sure, there’s a lot of things that go into having optimize content, and also having years of experience growing over 1 million followers across multiple accounts, but at the end of the day, it all comes down to consistency.
If you haven’t seen already, I use a short form God GPT, to create all of my content.
There’s still a little bit of manual vetting and modification, but the scripts are so good that I can just record the content and know that it’s optimized.
So if you’re start or grow your business using short form content, use the tools we provide because they work :)
If you’re struggling with content ideas or any other part of the content creation process, comment below, and I’ll give you any suggestions or feedback that will get you on the right track blowing up 🙌
(if you don’t know where short from God GPT is, go to the courses tab, and it will be under community resources)
Harsha Tambareni
I Hit 1000 followers in a week
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