Welcome to Men Of Earth brother!
I am glad your journey of life brought you here.
1锔忊儯 Introductions:
Please introduce yourself in the community.
Optional: Feel free to book an easy-going welcome call with me (Aaron) so that we can get to know each other:
2锔忊儯 Quality of Men Of Earth
Now, we want to keep the quality of the community high. This is why I encourage you to share yourself in a way that includes a question. This applies to your posts but also your comments on other people's posts. Especially when you disagree with someone, stay curious. Ask them a question with their best interest in mind!
Example: I want to share my current life situation for advice. I describe it and include a question at the end: "How would you tackle this situation?"
Remember: The quality of your question determines the quality of the answer!
3锔忊儯 Our focus: Inner mastery
Go ahead and share anything with the tribe as long as you connect it to inner mastery. It might be abstractly connected but that's our focus point and common ground.
Example: I want to go to the gym but always procrastinate. My thoughts around this post should not relate to the next technique to hack my willpower but why I feel this way.
4锔忊儯 Men Of Earth Group Calls
We have a weekly open-end group call scheduled. For now, the time is set at 5 PM CET every Tuesday & Saturday (see calendar).
To convert to your time zone, simply type "5 PM CET to (insert your time zone)".
As we are still growing, we will keep the call quite open to our mood and focus on connection.
If you think the time schedule could be improved, DM me with a better suggestion.
Add to Google Calendar:
5锔忊儯 Side note
Also, we take the liberty to delete posts that are self-promotional or not valuable to the community (e.g. just complaining). Use your best judgment when posting and everything will be good.
If you have any questions, remarks, or suggestions on how to increase the quality of the community, reach out to me (Aaron).
Welcome to Men Of Earth brother! 馃
PS: You can hide this post after you have read it.
Aaron Elsner
We are a community exclusively for men committed to living from their hearts.
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