❓What Was Your Biggest Misconception About Social Circle Before MoA?
I think it's fair to say that throughout the years of endless debate between pick-up and social circle, everyone has seen the value of the social circle approach. That being said, I also notice that there are usually big misconceptions about social circle which many men use as an excuse to not follow that approach.
I'd love to read what are some of the biggest misconceptions you guys had about social circle which then became clear or dispelled once you started watching Michael's content and joined the MoA community.
I'll share mine:
I had the misconception that social circle would only put me in a position where I would end up with a bunch of male and female friends but would not improve my dating/sex life any more than pick-up could. It wasn't until I started going through the MoA course and implementing the lessons that I got to see for myself how wrong I was. These days, whenever I come across someone who has the same misconception I used to have, I give them a challenge (any of you can take me up on it):
I challenge you to make 100 female friends and not sleep with a single one of them.
It's impossible. It cannot be done. By the time you get to around girlfriend 20 or so, one of them is going to start becoming attracted to you, hitting on you, or trying to hook you up with some other girl, and you'll have a tremendously tough time saying no to that.
But I had to see it for myself to believe it, and I'm very glad I did.
Let's hear yours now!
Karim Gonzalez
❓What Was Your Biggest Misconception About Social Circle Before MoA?
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