My 2 Cents On Fitness
It’s not hard to have a 1% body, most people fail on 3 fronts
  1. Lack of information, the obvious is burn more calories than you consume, but what foods you consume and when you consume them are also important factors
  2. Lack of Consistency; this is common but easy to beat. Everyone wants to work out once in awhile, no one wants to do it EVERY day, unless there’s an immediate accessible reward. Ironically, the more in shape you are, the more often you'll want to go to show off what you’ve earned.
  3. Lack of nutrition/knowledge of. Not necessarily what you eat, but what’s in what you’re eating. Are you getting enough magnesium/zinc in your diet? Are you using Nitric Oxide Booster to help with gains? This is a simple of “you don’t know, what you don’t know”
If you guys have any questions about fitness/health, feel free to comment below or ask me directly.
Would love to hear some of your questions/goals!
Dj C
My 2 Cents On Fitness
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