I recently started "self improovement". I am new to it, i never came across good SI content, so i was a sceptic until recently.
I found a digital marketing course, currently i am transitioning to that profession.
I used to sometimes walk up to girls and try to get a date and i had a few successes, but my conclusion was that doing it like that is way too energy and time consuming and it is just not affordable.
I always hated social media, i never gave it any thought. Michaels explanation of how it works is a complete game changer. I used to think the most i can do is upload 1-3 good plain selfies and then just hope that she would be smart enough to understand the simplicity. But seeing the examples and getting to know about preselection gives so much hope, feels like actually getting equipped with tools, instead of the previous "i cant do social media, so i just hope the best i am morally able to do (1-3 selfies) will be enough, altho i really feel it wont be in most cases" situation.
John Clark
Men of Action Forum
A community for learning high-status networking hosted by Michael Sartain.
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