Event flakiness - Why? and How do you handle it?
I haven't found this question discussed in depth, but many people, including myself, have encountered this problem.
The general advice is often vague:
  • Make the offer better.
  • Expect people to flake.
  • It is what it is.
I've hosted multiple events with varying turnouts, from low attendance to overcrowded parties where my building threatened to shut down the event. Yet, I still struggle with flaking.
  1. Send invite.
  2. Chicks respond.
  3. Send additional info.
  4. Chicks confirm.
  5. Follow up a day or two before the event.
  6. Error - many ignore the follow-up, resulting in only 15-25% attendance.
This sometimes results in wasted resources and money when people who confirmed flake without responding or giving an excuse.
Typically, I cut off people who flake without a response. However, you can only cut so many people before you run out of top chicks.
I'm wondering:
What goes through the minds of chicks who confirm but still flake?
Do others run into this problem?
How do you deal with it?
Marc Hudson
Event flakiness - Why? and How do you handle it?
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