Drizzle Drizzle
Have you guys seen this drizzle drizzle movement and soft guy era thing that some guys are doing on TikTok? It’s a satire thing that basically shows and uses modern women’s own logic against them and shows just how unrealistic a lot of modern women’s dating standards and expectations have become and puts a mirror to them 🪞 It’s fuckin’ hilarious! A lot of women don’t get it and it’s going way over their heads. Some women get it but a lot don’t and they get triggered by it and their responses to it just shows that they don’t get it and it’s going way over their heads which makes it even more funny that they don’t get the joke. Know your worth kings 👑 Drizzle Drizzle. Soft guy era. 🤣
#drizzledrizzle #softguyera
Don Juan
Drizzle Drizzle
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