Set Your Goals For The Week (23/12/24)
First of all, Merry Christmas to you all. Enjoy the holidays with your friends and family and come back refreshed for next year.
For this week, I recommend you take very easy goals to review and reset so you can really get going strong to the start of January.
In my experience, how you start in January dictates how your entire year is going to go. So make it a strong one...
Set your goal for this week:
Step 1: Comment your goal to achieve by next Monday
  • It must be tangible, measurable and within your control
  • It must act as a promise to yourself to keep you accountable
  • It can be as easy or hard as you like, main thing is that you achieve it
  • It will build the habit of setting and achieving goals. We climb our mountains step by step
Step 2: DO. THE. WORK.
  • Do the action laid out in your goal
  • This is why your goal must be a set of actions that is under your control
Step 3: Claim your victory and repeat step 1
  • If you achieved your goal from last week, begin your comment below with "I hit my goal."
  • Then proceed with Step 1.
  • For bonus points, elaborate on how you achieved your goal this week and what you learned
  • This is a group activity to help support one another in achieving our dreams, week-by-week, goal-by-goal, action-by-action
Let's win together...
Support your fellow goal-setters and achievers...
And let this serve as a reminder that the only way to fail is to give up.
Scott Max
Set Your Goals For The Week (23/12/24)
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