I Could Not Have Imagined This For My Business…
- what would it be like to have seasonal “company retreats” for yourself and your team...
Maybe you are thinking…
Yamuna I don’t even consider my startup a “company”
…. maybe you don't even have a team
Whether the two statements above are true or not - take a moment to imagine taking your future team and their family on a retreat to an incredible exotic location.
If you had an unlimited budget to pour back into yourself and your team members on this retreat - what would you do?
Would you get massages? Go on hikes? Buy them nice dinners? Dance together?
Scheme about company growth? Personal growth? Family growth? Or how to make an even more world-class product or service?
Our team did exactly this on our recent team retreat in Medellin, Colombia a few months back.
Let me tell you - it has brought us 5X closer and allowed us to double down on our work in ways that meeting online couldn’t have facilitated.
I just got the final draft for our company mini-documentary from our time in Colombia, and wanted to share it with you HERE.
I want you to know I never knew it was possible to have such an incredible team.
To have complete support in every area of my business.
To have people I can trust professionally, spiritually and personally - pushing things forward in our mission to help thousands of conscious entrepreneurs.
It took years of doing everything myself and being in a scarcity mindset to have this realization dawn on me….
“If I say I am about serving as many people as possible, would it be helpful to have MORE or LESS…
  • Talent
  • Money
  • Personal Support
  • Business Systems
  • Team Members”
The answer was more.
Since transitioning from doing things on my own - we have grown 10X+ the size and have served so many more people at a higher level than I could have ever done on my own - all with more ease than when I was doing it on my own.
Want to know what it would be like to grow your mission to a place where you can do the same?
Watch our Colombia Team Retreat video for a glimpse into what it would be like.
Yamuna :)
Yamuna Bihari
I Could Not Have Imagined This For My Business…
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