Why your posts get no comments...
Why your posts get no attention...
Okay this has come up twice in the last 24 hours.
If you're posting in groups and not getting responses, OR if you have written your ebook and it's not being used to get customers, read this.... (it's long...)
it could be for a few reasons:
1. The group doesn't have your audience. Try finding a group that has your ideal demographic. You might be thinking "but everyone has vents!" Well, that might be true, but not everyone cares about them getting clean. Think about your target audience. What do they complain about? Probably not vents. They probably complain about asthma, or maybe even their dryers that don't dry on the first cycle or possible landlords or property management companies that need contractors
2. They don't see value in the post. It's like asking someone to marry you on the first date. We need to schmooze the audience. In other words, have more touches before the transaction. Get to know your clients a little better, and ask them questions that they think about on the daily. Back to the dryer thing: I had a dryer that took three cycles to clean - that's when I got my vent's cleaned out.
3. Once you have those two things solved, stay consistent with posting, and experiment to see what works.
Marianne Hickman
Why your posts get no comments...
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