Which top 3 feminine traits are you most looking forward to embodying?
Below is the list below and get the list of feminine traits and get clear on the top feminine trait you are committed to master.
  • Imperfect movement, messy, but courageous (vision-based decisions)
  • Willing servant leader. Hero, she knows she gains by giving
  • Speaks her mind, expresses her needs
  • Collaborative, wants others to win, celebrates others. Separates herself.
  • Expresses her emotions physically and verbally
  • Independent on her own, interdependent with others and dependent on God
  • Relies on others. Asks for support.
  • Vulnerable, honest, shares
  • Takes on only what is her responsibility
  • Leaves others alone to do things their own way
  • Gives others freedom to be themselves lets go, releases
  • Wait to share your body until you’re fully committed
  • Underwork. Work smart, not hard. sks for & receives help from others, she knows when to rest. Focused work. Delegates, automates.
  • Serve what you can. She serves the world with her gifts
  • Secure in who she is, where she's from, why she's here, where she's going
  • Positive self-talk. Compassionate and curious. Self leadership.
  • Take courageous movement & always make vision based decisions.
  • Over-thinking (gets out of her head & uses her emotions & intuition to help her make VBD)
  • Keeps her high standards because she knows her worth.
  • Self belief/confidence
  • Self-control
  • Self trust and optimistic in others, qualifies others
  • Independent & interdependent & dependent on God
  • Accepts people for who they are & sets boundaries accordingly
  • Allows others to be broken or in pain, holds space
  • Actions align with her values, she stays committed to her vision, actions support or create her vision.
  • God and self focused, serves others, not just man
  • Keeps your schedule, commitments to yourself/vision
  • Patient and trust Gods timing, allows things to unfold
  • Knows who she is & who’s she is not, she loves & accepts herself, she knows she was perfectly & wonderfully made, she knows she has a unique purpose
  • Have a full fun life you love and invest in NOW
  • Gets clear by connecting to herself (L.O.V.E. framework)
  • Courageously makes a vision-based decision and gets data
Comment below and share which feminine traits you think will make the most difference in your life and which area of your life you currently use them most?
Anabell Ingleton
Which top 3 feminine traits are you most looking forward to embodying?
Feminine Attraction Mastery
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