Welcome! - Start Here ⚡️
I am creating this Skool community so that I can inspire men to live more embodied lives where they feel liberated by their desires and their bodies, not limited by them. NOTE: This skool community will not be free forever.
My journey brought me to MANY dark places where I was disconnected from my body, mostly through binge eating, bulimia, sex addiction, porn addiction, and substance addiction and abuse.
Although, since the age of 20, I have been on the pursuit of deep actualization and living into my highest self, I have encountered many twist and turns along the way. On the surface, it would seem that these experiences were simply heavy anchors, pulling me away from where I wanted to be. As my journey has continued, I realize those moments were actually the pulling back of a sling-shot. They were lift off points for me... and they can be for you too.
One of my greatest gifts from Great Spirit is relentless will, determination, and belief. I have both for myself and every human, and I want to invite you into that empowering energy here in this community.
What you can expect from this community:
  • To come and feel uplifted, inspired, and more hopeful
  • Learn more about your body from a holistic perspective
  • Insights into the energetics of Male Sexuality
  • Insights into cultivating habits the truly serve you
  • Perspectives and Paradigms that shift your state and challenge your beliefs
  • A space that holds no judgement for where you're currently at, and yet will push you to keep growing without comparison
What I will share here:
  • Writing
  • Videos
  • Zoom Calls
  • Practices (breathwork, somatic embodiment, sexual kung fu, journaling, habit formation, movement exploration, etc)
  • Human Design
That's all for now friends.
This week I am working on my strategy for this platform, and I am deeply excited. I have so much to share, and I believe for too long I have gotten in my own way, comparing myself to others, and thinking that my unorthodox approach to life and business wasn't "right". I have transcended that story now, and I am excited to show up as my very weird self and wonderful self.
Action Item: Share a bit about yourself, why you are here, and what you want to bring to this community
Lion Carew
Welcome! - Start Here ⚡️
Masculine Embodiment Matrix
A community of men who wish to awaken out of the daze of desensitization, and step into their conscious, powerful, purpose-driven selves
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