Two new categories! ✅ - Start posting in there
Brothers, I have created two new categories for the purpose of creating more connection and conversation in this community.
I have been chatting with a lot of you, and one of the threads that moves through every mans share is this: the desire for brotherhood and healthy connections with other men.
Let's do that here!
The two new categories:
1) Questions: Post any questions you have here about sex, embodiment, etc etc etc. Anyone in this community can answer. When you do ask a question, please mention whether you're asking the community, or myself (Lion). Furthermore, take the offerings from others as a reflection (if it resonates, keep it. if it does not, move along).
2) Daily Wins & Gratitude 🏆 : This is a very powerful place to post! My invitation is for you to post your daily gratitude and wins (big or small). It's actually so profound how much your life will improve and how much better you will feel when you celebrate your wins everyday and tune into gratitude everyday.
Enjoy the new categories, and I can't wait to see what you contribute in there 🔥
1 comment
Lion Carew
Two new categories! ✅ - Start posting in there
Masculine Embodiment Matrix
A community of men who wish to awaken out of the daze of desensitization, and step into their conscious, powerful, purpose-driven selves
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