Seeking 1-2 men for a deeply transformative journey
I am seeking 1-2 men who’d like to go on a deeper private coaching journey with me. This will be a 3-6 month process.
What we will dive into:
  • Sacred Self Pleasuring
  • Embodied Masculinity
  • Applicable Masculine & Feminine essences
  • Human Design for practical life application
  • Inner child work and healing
  • Parts work
  • Deep guided breathwork journeys (nervous system regulation)
  • Personalized goal setting and accountability
  • Embodied learning of Hermetic Principles and Universal Law
You will come out of this processes with:
  • a much deeper connection to your body and pleasure
  • Understand how to love and cultivate your sexual life force energy
  • Feel more confident in your decision making, goal setting, and life path
  • Heal and integrate body shame and guilt towards sex and pleasure
  • Embody many practices to keep your nervous system regulate and mind/body in top shape
  • Feel a profound sense of inspiration, clarity, and direction in your life
  • Release doubt, fear, and uncertainty about what it means to be a man
  • Gain the tools to write your own story and feel deeply empowered by your unique path
  • Attract better relationships and more aligned work
Please book a free discovery call with me here:
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Lion Carew
Seeking 1-2 men for a deeply transformative journey
Masculine Embodiment Matrix
A community of men who wish to awaken out of the daze of desensitization, and step into their conscious, powerful, purpose-driven selves
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