Recent oracle reading
One of my favorite online magical people did an oracle card reading the other day that really resonated with me. This particular oracle card was called Awake, and the reading was about being awakened to how we may either give too much of ourselves, or receive too much from others, and how we should strive for balance between the two.
I think a lot of us men are usually givers and have difficult times receiving. This can be giving of ourselves and not being receptive to others when they try to give of themselves to us. I know I'm often too quick to say to the universe, "Here I am and take what I can give!" But when the universe gives back to us, I'm pretty much holding up my hand and saying "No thanks!" I don't know why this is. I imagine it's some kind of self-protection maybe. By not being receptive to kindness or love we won't run the risk of being hurt. Maybe we allow our ego to think we are important enough to give ourselves to our brothers, but refuse to accept their gifts of love and understanding to us.
Being receptive makes us vulnerable, and that scares a lot of us (me especially). Past wounds keep me from a harmonious relationship with friends, the universe, the divine, whatever. Then we fall into despair, depression, thinking we are alone, but not realizing we are closing ourselves off because we are not receptive to others.
Just something I've been thinking a lot about the past couple of days.
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Joseph Rice
Recent oracle reading
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