Emotional release
Wanted to share yesterday in my practice of diving into what my soul is trying to teach me about myself I was alerted to accept all sides of myself.
It’s not just the light that exists but the dark as well and the dark requires love just as the light.
There was a whole side of myself that was yearning for acknowledgment and safety as well.
In order to get to the feminine aspects of myself the masculine concepts also need attention deeply.
After snot, tears, laughs, and breathing the processing of the realization is truly under way and I’m incredibly glad to be a pillow for the thoughts and feelings of all of my soul.
Hope this helps someone dive deeper into their emotional states and have conversation with their own essence in totality.
Healing isn’t not about what we want, it’s about what we need.
Cordell Weathersbee II
Emotional release
Masculine Embodiment Matrix
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