Maximal pruning
Augmenting this project
1. Layered Node Construction:
  • Abstract Nodes by Semantics: Instead of directly translating SQL tables 1-to-1 into graph nodes, group data into abstract layers or "meta-nodes" based on semantics. For instance, create entity types that combine multiple tables or columns sharing a common meaning or relationship. This would allow pruning unnecessary nodes at higher abstraction layers. Example: Combine multiple address-related tables into a single Address node, abstracting away unnecessary details if higher-level queries only need to reference the user-location relationship.
  • Typed Relationships: Consider the nuances of relationships—some relationships are transient, others may be hierarchical. Use relationship types that reflect the depth of the relationship. This allows the query engine to prune relationships irrelevant to the query based on their type (e.g., PART_OF, HAS_SUBSET, LINKS_TO).
2. Hierarchical Indexing for Pruning:
  • Hierarchical Node IDs: Structure node IDs to represent hierarchical layers in the data. For example, if you have user-related data, node IDs can reflect levels like Country -> City -> User. This way, queries that don't need fine-grained data can prune branches by querying only higher levels. Example: A query on users from New York might only scan the City layer without diving into individual user nodes.
  • Indexing Relationships by Depth: Similarly, you could add indexing or scoring based on relationship "depth" or importance. Queries that don't need to evaluate deep relationships can prune the unnecessary links.
3. Progressive Detail Unfolding (Lazy Loading):
  • On-Demand Node Construction: Rather than constructing all nodes upfront, use lazy loading techniques to unfold data only when needed. This allows the graph engine to prune nodes that don’t affect the result, based on query patterns. Example: For a social network, initially load only the high-level User and City nodes, while friend connections (FRIENDS_WITH) are loaded only if explicitly needed.
  • Heuristic Node Pruning: Introduce heuristics that rank nodes based on relevance (e.g., frequency of access, importance in the hierarchy, etc.). If a node is rarely accessed, mark it as "prunable" for queries not requiring full details. This is useful for frequently queried datasets where only a subset of the graph is commonly accessed.
4. Temporal and Contextual Layers:
  • Temporal Nodes and Relationships: Incorporate temporal information to layer your graph, allowing time-based pruning. For instance, only load nodes and relationships relevant to the current timeframe. Example: When querying financial transactions, create temporal nodes that aggregate data by year or quarter. This allows queries to focus on specific time windows, reducing irrelevant data.
  • Contextualization with Labels: Add contextual layers by tagging nodes with labels that define their relevance to different query types. This allows you to selectively prune nodes based on the context of the query. Example: In a product database, you might have nodes labeled as INVENTORY, SUPPLY, or ARCHIVE. Depending on the query (e.g., inventory management vs. historical data analysis), you prune nodes not relevant to the current query.
5. Multi-Dimensional Relationships:
  • Multi-Keyed Relationships for Pruning: Introduce multi-dimensional relationships that can be pruned based on multiple criteria. For example, if you have Customer -> Purchase relationships, a purchase can be categorized both by Time and Product Type, allowing you to prune irrelevant data by either dimension (e.g., time range or category). Example: Create a relationship PURCHASED_ON [date] and BOUGHT_CATEGORY [product] so queries can prune based on time or category independently.
6. Graph Partitioning for Better Pruning:
  • Partitioning Sub-Graphs: You could enhance performance by partitioning your graph data into logical sub-graphs, where related nodes are clustered together, making it easier to prune entire sections of the graph. The sub-graphs can be based on geographical regions, time periods, or specific business units. Example: If you are building a social graph, partitioning nodes by geographical regions (e.g., users in NY, SF) can help limit the scope of a query to a region and prune irrelevant regions.
7. Statistical Pruning Mechanisms:
  • Probability-Based Pruning: Use statistical or machine learning methods to predict the importance of nodes based on historical access patterns. Apply these to create a probabilistic mechanism where nodes below a certain access probability are pruned from standard queries. Example: If certain customers frequently interact with only a subset of products, future queries may prune less relevant products unless explicitly requested.
Implementation Strategy:
  1. Enhance Node Generation Logic: Modify the SQL-to-Graph transformation script to create layered nodes (abstract nodes at higher layers and granular nodes at lower layers). Add metadata to nodes to represent abstraction layers and indices for hierarchical pruning.
  2. Implement Lazy Loading with Contextual Tags: Create a method to lazily load lower-level details of nodes based on query depth. Add context-aware labeling (e.g., query patterns, time, or business logic tags) for selective node loading.
  3. Node and Relationship Indexing: Build an index structure that supports multi-dimensional pruning (e.g., based on relationship types, depth, or node properties).
  4. Test and Refine Pruning Heuristics: Use real-world data to test and refine the heuristics for node pruning, focusing on maximizing efficiency while preserving accuracy
Peter Findley
Maximal pruning
MarketMatrix AI
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