Good morning and Happy Monday, friends! Today's motivation comes to me from JimKwik (American brain coach, podcaster, writer, and entrepreneur. He is the founder of Kwik Learning, an online learning platform; the host of the Kwik Brain podcast; and the author of Limitless).
As we move into what I like to call the "quiet weeks" that wrap up our year, I know many of us will be with family, which can bring laughter and joy, but can also be difficult for those of us who have difficulty establishing and maintaining boundaries. So, let's look at a BOUNDARY:
B e Aware
O f What is
U nacceptable and
N ormalize saying no
D o what is best for you
A nd know that things aren't your
R esponsibility all the time.
Y our needs matter too.
If I'm being honest, it's only been in recent years that I've been able to establish healthy boundaries with my own extended family. It takes practice and courage to hold onto your own boundaries, and I'll be the first to can be really difficult to stick to them when you're feeling the pressure to be who your family thinks you are. Does anyone else find themselves reverting back to an older version of themselves when they're with family? It happens to me, too.
Remember that accepting the new version of you can be most difficult for family members who remember the old you, but you're under no obligation to fulfill a role that no longer suits you. Be courageous in being the best, healthiest version of yourself and do it with pride. Stick to the boundaries that keep your mental health in check. It's OK to put yourself first. They'll eventually catch up!!