This is a friendly reminder to NOT stop creating content and putting yourself out there consistently.
I know it's tempting to give up or look for the next big thing when you feel stuck. But your ideal customers are already out there wanting what you offer - you just have to stay visible so they can find you.
Don't waste time constantly chasing new opportunities or strategies. The truth is, you just need to do MORE of what you're already doing, over and over so you’ll get better. The more active reps you put in, the better you'll get and the higher your chances of reaching those ideal customers.
I heard this great example recently: A photography class was split into two groups. One group had to just keep taking as many photos as possible. The other group's only goal was to get that one perfect shot. Guess which group ended up with the best overall photographs? It was the high-volume, never-stop-shooting group who could choose the cream of the crop.
More attempts = more potential for something exceptional. It's a numbers game.
The same applies to your content, marketing, and sales. The more pitches you make, videos you publish, work you put out there - the higher the likelihood of hitting bullseyes with your intended audience. Don't overcomplicate it.
So stay laser-focused on your current offerings. Stick to “The Boring Work” and provide consistent value through your content and services. Trust that if you simply show up daily with high volume and execution, everything else will click into place.
And each day, get obsessed with getting just 1% better than the day before. Relentlessly improve your products, services, and customer satisfaction.
When you live with an intense daily desire to level up, even small incremental gains compound into significant growth over time.
Stay motivated, keep delivering, and don't let up on showing your work to the world. I'll be right there alongside you putting in the hard reps. Consistent winning always follows consistent effort. We've got this!