Introduce yourself here 👋
Some of my biggest breakthroughs have come from relationships and communities.
👉 2016-2017: I got into entrepreneurship because my old landlord had started a company (which is now a $100M business)
👉 This led to me quitting my job 6 months later, and getting into copywriting and affiliate marketing.
👉 A chance encounter from a few years earlier in the pickup community, led to me starting a marketing company with another guy who was also into entrepreneurship (we quickly became friends, and to this day, he's still my best friend)
👉 2017-2018: Affiliate marketing led me to STM forum, the biggest affiliate marketing community. I followed 1 post in there, step by step, launched a campaign on Facebook and scaled that to 5-figures in my very first month.
👉 Through STM Forum, I started met a few guys, and started a Mastermind that I met with weekly, sometimes daily. Openly sharing our experiences, offers, angles, etc, we ALL grew like wildfire in a very short amount of time.
👉 2020: After stopping with affiliate marketing to start down a more… ahem… white hat path, I randomly met a serial entrepreneur about to start a marketing agency. I eventually partnered with him (and his co-founder) in the agency, and learned a TON about ads, funnels, and, of course, sheets.
Which formed the basis for where I am today.
I selfishly want to meet cool people in here, but more than that, I want this to be a space where YOU can meet others.
And whether they help you with just the right campaign tweak, you start/join a mastermind or you end up with a new business partner...
It’s all possible in here.
But you don’t get there by lurking.
You get there by sharing openly and taking initiative.
So here’s what I want you to do.
#1 - Tell us your brief background - what’s your quick backstory and what are you doing now?
#2 - Where are you going - what’s next in your journey?
#3 - What are you hoping to get out of this community - are you just here for sheets and other tools, looking for advertising-homies, looking to mastermind?
You don't have to write as much as I did above, just write something. Don't overthink it, there are no wrong answers. The only wrong answer is inaction.
Rasmus Lynegaard Henningsen
Introduce yourself here 👋
AdVengers Initiative
There was an idea, called the AdVengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of marketeers to see if they could become something more.
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