Private group
22 members
$111 /month
Regular price $111/month. Special price now for a limited time $22 usd.
Why Join Manifestrz?
We’re a like-minded community from around the world, dedicated to supporting each other in becoming our best selves. Here, personal development is fun, exciting, and beautiful. We’re not about quick fixes; we’re about enjoying the journey, building authentic relationships, and growing together.
What’s Inside?
  • Weekly Live Workshops: Interactive sessions with me and guest experts.
  • Authentic Community: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your goals and dreams.
Our Promise
We simplify the overload of self-help information, making it easy to implement and achieve real results. You’ll learn to set clear goals, develop consistent habits, and create a life filled with purpose, vision, and clarity.
People need community now more than ever!
Join Manifestrz to:
- support each other
- win prizes
- learn from the best & achieve your dreams.
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