What is your $ per print hour?
Print time and net profit are the two factors to keep in mind. Once fees and shipping are removed, and you calculate material cost, what are you really making on your item? Now how long does it take you to print, process, driving to post office, subscriptions, and any other factors that might apply. Personally I aim for $5 per print hour(net return) in attempt to maximize my one man, one printer(x1c) operation. This can be a good rule for larger items and "functional" prints. However this can be a few cents per item on a full bed of smaller items.
$5 print hour x 24 hour = $120 per day
$120 x 365 days = $43,800 per year
or more realistic numbers for one man one printer...
$5 print hour x 15 hours = $75 per day
$75 x 260 weekdays = $19,500 per year
This is a rough estimate but a way to set a realistic goal and have a number to quickly help yay or nan products. Set your own numbers for what suits you and your set up. G-code may vary so don't expect my advice to get you printing money. This is just how I figure and decide on what is worth my time.
Andrew Jackson
What is your $ per print hour?
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