Unclean surface at inner bottom of vases
Hey everyone,
I have a question regarding a print issue and hope you can help me with this topic.
I have a BambuLab X1C and really love the print quality. But sometimes, especially when I print vases, I get a rough surface at the height of my print where the inner bottom of the vase starts. I attached some pictures so I hope you can understand the problem. It seems like the layer where the bottom starts shrinks more than the others because of the bigger amount of material it contains and therefore it cools down differently. But that’s only a guess I had. I tried to compensate that by adjusting the printing speed and the fan settings, but didn’t really receive a better result.
It also occurs that the vase doesn’t keep the water completely and I think that could also be a problem due to the unclean surface.
With my old Creality CR6 SE I didn’t had that issue.
I really hope you can help me with this problem and I’m really looking forward to your answers.
1 comment
Jonathan Rueß
Unclean surface at inner bottom of vases
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