πŸ”₯ Most searched keywords on Etsy! (last 30 days)
Here is a list with the top trending keywords. Create a product around those keywords to take advantage of the high search volume!
Top 20. Keycaps
Top 19. Pokemon
Top 18. Crochet
Top 17. T-shirt
Top 16. Helldivers
Top 15. Furniture
Top 14. Rings
Top 13. Womens clothing
Top 12. Handmade jewellery
Top 11. Kitchen
Top 10. Handmade gift
Top 9. Home decor
Top 8. Clothing
Top 7. Trendy
Top 6. Earrings
Top 5. Jewellery
Top 4. Easter
Top 3. Custom
Top 2. Wall art
Top 1. Decor
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Daniel Haag
πŸ”₯ Most searched keywords on Etsy! (last 30 days)
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