“Best training I have come across for socials so far!” 🤓🥳💅
Absolutely beaming at this feedback and have to agree, it’s pretty simple to implement (ten min trainings) and super effective!
Other wins from people who have done Magnetise:
  • 88.2% increase in accounts reached after a week of Magnetise
  • 23 new followers in three days (of ideal clients)
  • 14 new followers in two days (of ideal clients)
  • Leads messaging out of the blue about business opp
  • “Increases views and all were ideal clients not friends, family or people already in my business”
  • “30 engagements in my story poll, highest I’ve ever had!”
These are just a FEW of the other bits of feedback I screen shot when I did Magnetise live in a Facebook group before it grew up and moved out of home and went to Skool!
I’m so excited for the online biz legends having success from this mini course!
Next season is Magnetise10 - your time to 10x your mastery in actually converting your leads to sales!
10 weeks of:
  • fortnightly calls
  • course content around sales conversations and conviction
  • group telegram chat
  • personalised support on your leads and convos
An intimate space with limited places so you get the most out of the experience.
Drop below for the waitlist for my next intake ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Jessica Zalums
“Best training I have come across for socials so far!” 🤓🥳💅
Coaching for network, affiliate and digital marketers who want to magnetise and convert dream clients, powerfully and naturally through social media.
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