Never Say You're a Coach
Instead use these questions to draw out your powerful story
You don’t need to have been bitten by a radioactive spider or to be the child of a Kenyan tribal princess, in order to have a powerful origin story.
For years, I’ve run a session with my private clients, where I draw out their unique strengths and their origin story.
You see, it’s a really powerful moment, when a client asks what you do and you look them in the eyes and reply, “You know, what I do—I’ve been doing my entire life…”
Here are 11 questions to draw out your powerful story…
Tell me your story. Go right back to the beginning…
  1. What did you love to do most when you were 6 years old?
  2. What’s the secret pain or limiting belief you’ve struggled with for most of your life?
  3. What’s your first memory of doing something you really didn’t want to do?
  4. What made you choose your first job? And what did you secretly hate about it?
  5. What are your top 3 professional successes? (Give me just the headlines. Specific, business-related headlines. Put humility to one side. I need you to boast a little. Remember: it’s not bragging if you’ve done it). 
  6. What were you known for in your previous career? What could people count on you for?
  7. What are your 3 biggest gifts? And what is the dark side of each of these gifts?
  8. What do you love most about coaching?
  9. Tell me 3 counterintuitive truths. “Most people think ______. But the truth is ______.”
  10. If you were only allowed to study or teach about one idea for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  11. What do your clients love most about you? (Yep, get over yourself—you’ll need to ask them! What do you love about me? What’s missing when I leave the room? What can you count on me for?)
Your brand is how people talk about you, when you’re not there
From Rich Litvin (one of my all time favorite coaches whose had the biggest impact on how I show up as a coach)
Amanda Smith
Never Say You're a Coach
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