Most people spend way too much time building a course that no one wants
(myself included) 😣
What you think people need and what they actually need? Often two very different things.
I've been there. I made 6 different courses and until this year, hadn't made more than $97 from them. (Not the best ROI for the time I spent building them)
My mistake? Worrying about how I was gonna scale before I had the street cred to sell a course at volume (that would amount to my goal of $10K.)
Also, it's a total waste of time building something people don't really want when you could be helping them get the results they're actually willing to pay for!
Here's the deal: When you're just starting out and want to make money fast, a course isn't your golden ticket to $10K.
  • You haven't established authority
  • You're not an expert (yet)
  • You get ignored (crickets, anyone?)
But what if there was a way to easily:
  • Get attention
  • Establish expertise
  • Build credibility
  • Sell coaching
➡️ Enter: One-time offers inside a free Skool! (New feature rolled out in June)
People are more likely to believe they'll get results working 1-on-1 with a coach.
You get to build expertise, become the expert, then systematize the process.
Inside this free group, offer a 1-1 coaching package as a one-time offer. It's the perfect way to make offers and get paid based on what you've learned about your people. (Without spending hours & hours on a course that no one wants, yet.)
✨ The secret sauce: Traffic -> Free Skool -> Conversations -> 1-on-1 Coaching Offer (meaning they pay a set price for a predetermined # of coaching calls with you)
Help your clients get their result. Build your credibility.
Then systematize everything you find yourself repeating.
I've made over $11K (+ affiliates) in just 2 months with this approach. No fancy course required.
That, my friends, is how you build a truly badass course that people want and are willing to pay for.
So, the million-dollar question: Do you want to get to $3K-$10K a month NOW or later? 💸
Let's make it happen, shall we?
Amanda Smith
Most people spend way too much time building a course that no one wants
Fire Your Boss LITE
Helping aspiring coaches turn what they know, love and do into a thriving online income stream w/o complex marketing strategies or tech overwhelm.
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