How Can I help?
You're on the road 🛣️ to leveling up your life and income.... Which one of these feels like the biggest roadblock? I am working on a course for you and I want to make sure I include everything you actually need help with. 💜✨💜
(Copy paste your answers or just drop the # in the comments)
  1. Feeling stuck in my job
  2. Feel like I’m behind in my business - I should be making more
  3. I should be further along
  4. How to turn side hustle into main hustle
  5. Fear of failure is holding me back
  6. I feel like I can't help anyone (imposter syndrome)
  7. How to negotiate a raise or raise my prices without feeling terrified of rejection
  8. Struggling to find mentors and elevate my network
  9. Overthinking / over analyzing everything
  10. Setting and maintaining boundaries
  11. Feel like I have to work 2x as hard to make 2x as much
  12. Feel like I'm not living up to my potential
  13. How to have an abundance mindset to something more fulfilling."
  14. How to organize my life - digital
  15. How to organize my physical environment
  16. Saving money
  17. Investing - I know I should but I don't know how and it feels overwhelming
  18. What does financial freedom actually feel like? How can I get there?
  19. Overwhelmed by debt and I don't know where to start
  20. Comparing myself to everyone else on social media
  21. Making good friends
  22. Healthy romantic relationships
  23. Feeling like an imposter at work
  24. Finding a career that aligns with my values
  25. Limiting beliefs around money - never enough
  26. Limiting beliefs around money - I don't deserve to be successful
  27. Procrastination
  28. Energy management - throughout the day
  29. How to prioritize what's really important - feel like my life is passing me by
  30. Staying in environments i know are not healthy for me becasue I don't see any other way
  31. So focused on what I don't have it's hard for me to call in more
  32. Craving approval / validation from outside and feeling ashamed when I don''t get it
  33. Time Management
  34. Make enough money but still feels like it's never enough
  35. Didn't come from a wealthy family so it's hard to feel abundant
  36. I know I should be charging more but I can't seem to ask for it
  37. Knowing and living your core values
  38. Leaving a job that isn't serving me
  39. Feeling lost - want to reinvent myself but don't know where to start
  40. Maintaining healthy habits - I know what to do I just struggle to do it
  41. I do the most all the time - hard for me to slow down
Amanda Smith
How Can I help?
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