"Ask and ye shall receive"
I started my SKOOL, wrote an intro post, but then really wasn't sure what to do beyond that. I've been hemming and hawing about what to post for content. "Hemmmmmmmm................. Hawwwww" <-- that was me πŸ˜†
Today, I looked at my Tiktok and realized that I have been getting some of the same questions over and over again by people in my following. So today, I made a video anwering one of the most commonly asked questions that I get. That will be my first bit of paid content. If you are interested, it is a detailed how-to of awakening your sentient house spirit so she can protect you, attract abundance, and just be a friend. If that's the kind of thing you want to learn about, join the community!
Citrine Fox
"Ask and ye shall receive"
Fire Your Boss LITE
Helping aspiring coaches turn what they know, love and do into a thriving online income stream w/o complex marketing strategies or tech overwhelm.
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