"The Markdown Guide" by Matt Cone
#ebook #roamresearch #devonthink
I use Markdown alot with MacDown (app), Roam Research graphs, and DEVONThink.
What is markdown?
Markdown is a lightweight, plain-text formatting language that enables users to create richly formatted documents using simple and intuitive syntax. By utilizing straightforward symbols like asterisks for bold or italic text, hashtags for headings, and dashes or numbers for lists, Markdown allows for easy structuring of content without the need for complex coding. Originally developed by John Gruber, it has become widely popular for writing documentation, README files, blog posts, and content on platforms such as GitHub and Stack Overflow. Its simplicity and readability make it accessible for both developers and non-developers, facilitating seamless conversion to HTML and other formats while maintaining a clean and organized text structure.
Ian Shen
"The Markdown Guide" by Matt Cone
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