Greetings + poem <3
Hi Sisters,
I'm so grateful to be part of this community and to have the opportunity to share in witnessing one another on our paths. I'd love to start by adding my introduction here: I live in Denver, Colorado in the US with my fiance, Andy, and I'm in the preconception stage. I felt deeply called to join Transform into Birth after I heard Victoria speak at another online event. My fiance and I are on the threshold of our union and (hopefully) starting our journey together as parents. It's invaluable to feel held within a community of women while ALLL the stuff comes up that's in the way of the highest and best.
Also, during our call today with guest speaker Barbara Essman, I brought to her my current struggles feeling stuck in our lovemaking. She suggested I write a poem about 'should,' because it was one of the themes that came up as I shared ("I should be turned on..." "I should want to..."). I decided to be vulnerable and share the poem I wrote here:
Should is tired.
Tiring, tiresome.
Should is fear.
It is fear of loss.
Should relieves momentary discomfort
But costs years.
Should is distorted masculinity within
Ignoring the feminine, queen, body
Should is paying other people's taxes
Taking out other people's garbage.
Should is self-betrayal.
Should is holding us back from where we must go.
Should has no place here
Because, in love, there are no shoulds.
Should is no longer welcome here,
because it is standing between me and what I truly need.
I free myself from shoulds,
as only I can.
Those shoulds are not mine,
and I return them to sender.
Keely McCaskie
Greetings + poem <3
Luminous Birth
A new paradigm of birth preparation. Empowering women and couples through education, connection and community. Follow us on IG @luminousbirth
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