Please identify your goal!
I've enjoyed meeting many of you already. Here's the thing I want you to realize...this means NOTHING if you do NOT have a goal. Notice I did not say GOALS! Why? Because I want you to LOCK IN and focus on one thing at a time. Let's accomplish something then work towards another goal.
Here's what I need you to do ASAP:
  1. Identify your most pressing goal.
  2. List what the cost will be for you to achieve the goal. (For example, investing in a coach, taking night classes, getting another certification, waking up earlier, having a meal plan, etc.)
  3. List your top 5 power moves. (A power move is an action you accomplish daily/weekly to achieve your goal. For example, if my goal is to get a job then one of my power moves is identifying the leader of the Human Resource department and sending an introductory email. If my goal is to get back into school then a power move would be narrowing down my choices.)
  4. What will be your reward? (Rewarding yourself in important!)
I'm including a resource that I believe would be helpful for you. Use it as you will. And yes, it's FREE for anyone in the CREW.
Cornelius Lindsey
Please identify your goal!
Locked In Crew
a community that's focused, committed, and determined with a relentless pursuit to succeed.
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