Be a master at packaging your story.
Don’t lie about it.
Live a exciting life for real but keep it legit.
Like Drake said “ I told my story and made history “
Secret player tips
say it to broads and get their response. If they don’t lean in to hear more then keep working on it.
And go all the way from childhood to adulthood to when you became a professional player and your plan that you learned that will make you and her rich.
It should be something that shouldn’t take a hour to explain but when you get really good like I do it, you can do it in like ten minutes when needed bro.
join a network marketing company they learn how to do it and do it on a regular basis.
And watch documentaries and see how they talk and the kingpin guy and what they say and how they saw him and that’s the excitement part that you and your story must have.
Then you invite the broad in to live that movie with you.