Become a qualified player.
A carpenter (who is a player)
A mechanic (who is a player)
A realtor (who is a player)
A nurse/physicians assistant/doctor (who is a player) but tbh a doctor is a bonafide player because you get famous for making that leap in work in income and profession)
A master salesman not just a regular salesman. That won’t make it anymore. If you are going to specialize in sales, you have to master sales. Meaning one thing that you can sell better than everyone else.
(And still be a player)
A master at marketing not just a regular marketer who can market anything. He has to have one social media that he gets tons of leads from.
It may be using Facebook groups or Facebook ads to get a company 1 million leads.
It may be using Instagram stories and reels to get a company 1 million leads.
It may be using YouTube shorts or YouTube lives to get a company 1 million leads.
It may be using Google AdWords to get a company 2 million leads.
(This is your way to become a millionaire qualified player) and by the time you get someone 1 million leads you’ll have become a Bonafide player without trying.)
A coder
A successful copywriter (most aren’t successful) just Iike most high ticket salesmen aren’t successful.
Whatever you do, do something and become a qualified player.