The 4 pillars of mental toughness
Goal settings - Mental Visualisation - Positive self talk - Arousal control
  1. Goal settings (eg: I want the community to reach $300 revenue before skool trial period ends in Nov 2024)
  2. Mental visualisation (eg: I see people joining the LIVE Crypto Trading Skool community and find their place as fast as possible, start doing and feeling like a close family)
  3. Positive self talk (eg: I love me as much as I love other people, I am my brother, we are all one, I can do this)
  4. Arousal control (eg: I only focus on building our skool community)
LIVE Crypto Trading Skool Lcts
The 4 pillars of mental toughness
LIVE Crypto Trading Skool
We’re here together
We focus on DOing_
Then learning by doing, by osmosis_
Then talking about learning_
While helping everyone around us DO better
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