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Guide to Generating High-Quality E-Commerce Leads
Before we share the latest tips and tricks on how to get the best ecom leads, it's important to: 1. Understand the Quality of Leads: Begin by recognizing that the leads in our database have been thoroughly tested for quality and consistency, particularly against those from Apollo. 2. Focus on the Right Filters: The effectiveness of your lead generation largely depends on using the right filters. This step is crucial for targeting the most relevant and high-quality leads. Import Domains from StoreLeads: (Check our guide on how to import here) Start by importing domains into ListKit from StoreLeads. This is a proven method for initial lead sourcing. Apply Specific Job Title Filters: After importing the domains, apply filters based on specific job titles. These job titles should align with the e-commerce decision-makers or key contacts you aim to reach. Evaluate Results and Adjust as Needed: For instance, if you import 1,000 domains from StoreLeads, expect to get around 1,800 relevant leads. Monitor the results and adjust your filters or sourcing methods as necessary to improve the relevance and quality of leads. Recommendation for Best Results: We highly recommend this method for extracting the best possible e-commerce leads from our extensive database. It has been tested and proven to yield high-quality results.
New comment Mar 17
Navigating Domain Match Rates in ListKit
Wondering why not all listed domains in ListKit's include/exclude companies filter show up in the company count? As we delve into understanding match rates, it's essential to address this common query and shed light on the intricacies behind company count discrepancies in ListKit. Understanding Match Rate: The match rate is a percentage that reveals the success of your include/exclude companies filter. If you input 10 domains and ListKit identifies 5, your match rate is 50%. This metric provides insights into the precision and effectiveness of your targeted outreach. Real-World Example: Here's a practical example: Let's say you upload 2,000 domains into ListKit, resulting in 700 successful matches. This scenario yields you a match rate of approximately 35%. Understanding these figures allows you to set realistic expectations and fine-tune your strategies. Industry-Specific Match Rates: While the typical match rate falls between 30% to 50%, match rates vary by industry. For example, you may see a 75% match rate with a list of marketing & advertising contacts, and a 25% match rate in construction. Scaling Expectations: For larger datasets, such as 20,000 domains, extrapolate your expected matches based on the industry's typical match rate. In a 35% match rate scenario, you might anticipate around 7,000 domains with a company match in ListKit's database, providing a scalable approach to your campaigns. Consistency Across Platforms: The match rate is not exclusive to ListKit; it's a universal metric in B2B databases. Whether you're using ListKit or another platform, the match rate principle remains consistent. Expect similar match rates when employing comparable datasets, although variations may occur based on database coverage and focus.
New comment Mar 8
How do I add leads to my Smartlead campaign?
Thanks to our partnership with Smartlead, you can add your ListKit leads directly to a Smartlead campaign. With the click of a button. Without even touching a spreadsheet. Pretty cool, right? Just connect your Smartlead API to ListKit, and you're all set! You'll be able to zap ListKit leads right into Smartlead without the "middle man" (annoying spreadsheets). Check out this video explaining how:
New comment Mar 7
How do I add leads to my Smartlead campaign?
How to use the "and" "or" and "include" "exclude" functions in ListKit
Using the search filters on ListKit might seem overwhelming at first, but it's a lot easier than it appears. There are 2 key filters to be aware of: The "and" "or" filters, and the "include" "exclude" filters. For "and" "or", it's exactly as it appears... If you'd like to build a list of companies that use YouTube AND Google Analytics, toggle over the "or" button and switch it to "and". If you'd like to build a list of companies that use YouTube OR Google Analytics, you don't need to touch anything! The "include" "Exclude" function is especially helpful. For example, say you want to target marketing agencies but DO NOT want to target SEO agencies, you can do a multi faceted search. Type in "marketing agency" and select include, then hit enter. THEN, type in "SEO" "SEO agency", select EXCLUDE, and hit enter. This will build a list of marketing agencies EXCLUDING SEO agencies from the search. Check out this quick video demo walking through these features in real-time!
New comment Mar 1
How to use the "and" "or" and "include" "exclude" functions in ListKit
How to use the Data Visualization feature
If you've been playing around with ListKit, you've probably noticed the data visualization dashboard... Looks clean, right? Well, it's actually a LOT more useful than you might think... Here's why: Once you build a search of, let's say, 10k people... You have no way of knowing what types of prospects are in the entirety of the list. Until now. With this dashboard, you can now see the top 5 job titles the list comprises of, which keywords make up the list, and which countries and continents the prospects are in. Don't want one of the job titles or industries in your search? Hover over the name and just click on the "X" next to the name. This type of data visualization was never possible before! Check out this video explaining the dashboard in more detail:
How to use the Data Visualization feature
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